What happens once I make a booking ?
Once you’ve submitted your booking through our online community, we’ll send you an email with a confirmation of your order. If you haven’t already specified a chef you’d like to work with, then we’ll put you in touch with a handpicked chef that best suits your event needs.
This is where all the fun begins. You and your private chef can discuss all the details of your event and menu, curating the perfect meal to suit your theme, guests, venue, and event. This gives you the chance to customise specific elements of the meal to your liking, with suggestions and feedback from our chef to keep things delicious and doable.
Once you and the chef have finalised all the elements of your menu, then we’re done! You sit back and focus on all the other bits and bobs of your event, and we’ll do what needs to be done to ensure your meal gets delivered to your table on time. on time.