What happens if my location is far away from a metropolitan CBD area?

Have no fear, CHEFIN can get a chef to you anywhere in America! The whole point is to make good, talented chefs accessible to all Americans, everywhere in the United States, and all the time! That includes people living outside of metropolitan areas.

If we cannot find a suitable chef within your local area, we can send one your way from a nearby capital city location. Nobody should go without good food at an event, and we’ll do what we can to make sure your chef (and feast) can make the party!

Of course, we’ll have to charge a small fee to cover the travel costs for the chef and required staff. That’ll depend on where exactly your event will be – the fee will depend on the distance required to travel. The costs will be covered as such:

  • $0/no fee for distances within 25 Miles of a capital City Centre,
  • $95 for distances between 25-50 Miles of a capital City Centre,
  • + $95 for every $25 Miles further away.