How do I pay for a CHEFIN booking? What payment methods does CHEFIN accept?

We accept all methods of online payments, including bank transfer or credit card payment. The CHEFIN booking community accepts all credit cards and will not charge any processing or merchant service fees on top of your booking. What that means is, when you receive your final price from us, that will be fixed and all-inclusive.

Paying for your CHEFIN booking is easy, thanks to the wonderful world of online transactions. After selecting through your dining style via our online booking platform, you can go back and select any extra services like equipment hire, staff or venue hire that might be needed for your event.

Once that process is complete, then you can make the payment and finalise your event booking. There are no additional or hidden charges from CHEFIN once this payment has been finalised.

Please do make sure to check out our cancellation policy before making a booking to avoid any setbacks.