Chicken coconut curry, fragrant rice

Recipes author Nick Guan
  • Prep. time 15 min
  • Cook time 30 min
  • # Ingredients 11
  • Serves 8
  • Difficulty Medium

Versatile recipe of Chicken Coconut Curry that is ideal for people with a multitude of allergies. This recipe covers a wide variety of dietary needs.

Intolerances accounted for in the recipe:

  • Potato, Capsicum, Eggplant, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Tomato
  • Corn, Peas, Gingko, Plum, White Haricot bean, Agar agar, Urad daal, Pineapple
  • Peanuts, Pistachio, Millet
  • Eggs
  • Red meat (except mutton/lamb)
  • Dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, paneer)
  • Seafood, no Marine fish, no Mackerel
  • Gluten (wheat, barley, rye, couscous, no GF flour)
  • Nothing fried or deep fried or oily, nothing heavily processed,
  • No coconut sugar or any refined sugar (only RAW sugar)
  • Nothing spicy
  • No Soy and soy-based products
  • No raw vegetables

Nutrition per serving

  • Calories 190
  • Fat 9g
  • Saturates 5g
  • Proteins 21g
  • Carbs 6g
  • Sugars 3g
  • Salt 410 mg
  • Fibres 2g


  • 100g Raw Sugar
  • 150 gram massaman curry paste
  • 2x Cans of Coconut Cream (500g each)
  • 100g of Ghee
  • Salt on taste
  • 4-6 Curry plant leaves
  • 1kg of Chicken
  • 200g Mushrooms
  • 200g yellow squash
  • 200g green zucchini
  • 600g of Basmati rice


  1. Step 1

    Heat a pot with Ghee, then sprinkle in 100g to 150g raw sugar, and cook the sugar until caramelized.

  2. Step 2

    Add in 150 gram massaman curry paste(find a brand and check the ingredient see if you can eat), low heat cook until fragrant

  3. Step 3

    Add in 2 cans of coconut cream. mix well and then low heat simmer for 20 mins, stir occasionally in case the bottom catch

  4. Step 4

    In the meanwhile, whilst the coconut cream is cooking, add few curry leaves for extra aroma

  5. Step 5

    Season with salt, keep in fridge at least overnight 24h

  6. Step 6

    While the curry is cooking, chop the chicken & vegetables into cubes x2cm size.

  7. Step 7

    Then Stir-fry the chicken in Ghee until it gets golden, add the vegetables and cook until all cooked.

  8. Step 8

    Mix with the curry base just before it is finished cooking (5min beforehand), simmer for 5 min for flavours to absorb.

  9. Step 9

    In rice cooker or pressure cooker put the rice, wash it gently with water and then put to cook until ready.